Finalmente è arrivato anche quest'anno l'evento motociclistico più importante del centro e sud Italia! Anche quest'anno avrò l'oppurtunità di partecipare, infatti domenica sarò a girovagare tra gli stand! Vi allego la descrizione dell'evento a cura del sito e ovviamente vi consiglio di partecipare!
Una formula di successo!
Dopo lo strepitoso successo della 2° edizione, il Salone Moto e Scooter della capitale rinnova l’appuntamento con tutti gli appassionati delle due ruote dal 10 al 13 marzo 2011 in Fiera Roma.
I 40.000 mq. di esposizione (+ 33,3% compared to the 1st edition), 4 exhibition halls (+ 1), the more than 300 companies (+ 28.7%) and 93,483 visitors during the four day event, as much as 33% more than last year, confirm the growing popularity of Motodays, which itself is already in its second year of life, the benchmark for all motorcyclists and users of the two wheels of the central and southern Italy.
Motodays 2011: the news and the confirmations
The 3rd edition will confirm Motodays which show a 360-degree world of two wheels, which in any year he wants to deepen their subject areas and products: offroad, custom bikes, scooters, aftermarket, Tourism, time, speed, ... The main changes for 2011 will be:
MARKET ONE TO ONE : The draft Motodays to achieve the most complete exposition of the means used for official dealer of brands on display. In an exhibition area and meeting space will be organized and managed meetings between potential customers and dealers. Visitors can get all the information in media exposure, you can find the bike of his interest through the selection criteria such as year, price, ... It could also be put in immediate contact with the sales department of the dealer.
TOURISM IN MOTO : experiences, routes, accessories, tips, travel ideas in an area dedicated to who makes his own motion the means by which spend much of their free time. The visitor will be directly involved in a major new area of \u200b\u200binteractivity Motodays.
Also, after the successful return in 2010 Motodays:
Motodays VINTAGE : the area devoted to vintage vehicle, which has seen stars the great collections and themed exhibitions: the motion of regularity from 1957 to today, the legendary motorcycle and racing bikes of the most prestigious anni ’70, oltre alla mostra scambio, per la ricerca del ricambio o dell’accessorio più datato,
IL FOCUS SULL’AFTERMARKET : essenziale e graditissimo strumento di contatto tra i bikers e le aziende le giornate dell’aftermarket, sviluppate in collaborazione e con Assobike, consentono al biker un ideale avvicinamento verso la tecnica e la tecnologia, oltre ad una valida guida all’acquisto, ed alle aziende un interessante momento di confronto con i propri clienti potenziali.
IL CUSTOM SHOW : le migliori elaborazioni delle varie categorie del tuning motociclistico, realizzate dalle officine most qualified. Moto United States and abroad, mostly clothing, accessories most internationally acclaimed, competition in the bike show, to pinstriping, tattooing and to the hot rods.
DEMO RIDE AND COURSES: The outdoor area will stand still for their great vitality, for the attention that companies and institutions dedicated to the test again and rapprochement of the vehicle, safely who make a living Motodays unique in this sense.
Trophies : In addition to outdoor areas dedicated to demos and courses are less than 6 trophies up for grabs on the area show external Motodays 2010: mini, junior and senior, supemotard, maxi scooter, quad supermoto, minibike supermoto, minibike addition to the Italian league, which together with the evolution of stuntriders freestylers and represented the wide program dedicated to the show to the race.