Monday, June 15, 2009

Free Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2009

"Where is my vote?".

" Where is my vote?".
Era, this slogan identification, and endlessly repeated, the Iranian students who demonstrated yesterday in Florence, Piazza della Repubblica. Protesting, with unveiled faces, alternating with those expressions in the language being English and (very good) Italian.
to say goodbye and past president of the Regional Council, Riccardo Nencini, who announced that the next festival in Tuscany, focusing on the themes of creativity and freedom, will be devoted to them.
the mayoral candidate of the center, Matt Renzi, assured that no Florence lascerà sola la numerosa comunità iraniana che vive in questa città.
Sono parole di cui bisognerà avere memoria e che dovranno essere tradotte in fatti concreti.
Domani mattina, 17 Giugno, intanto, una delegazione di giovani iraniani verrà ricevuta in Consiglio Regionale. Vuole essere un impegno: a non abbandonarli.
"Where are their votes?".

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Swelling Of The Knuckles Natural Remedies

Anniversario di Tien An Men: la Cina censura internet

Venti anni fa, si compiva the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Those events, according to information regime and the official history, have never occurred. It is strictly forbidden to talk about it.
the occasion of this awkward anniversary, the Beijing regime has decided to obscure the internet sources are considered "dangerous" (Twitter, Flickr-guilty to host images on the violation of human rights in China, Hotmail, and, probably, also Bing "successor" to Windows Live Searcher).
no coincidence, "Reporters Sans Frontières" counts China among the "enemies of the Internet."
A (noisy) confirms that today la battaglia per la libertà di espressione, oggi, passa anche, e forse soprattutto, per la Rete.
(Fonte: Zeus News).