Sono universali i diritti umani? Viene da dubitarne-non in linea di principio, sia chiaro, ma in linea di fatto- perché sono troppi i dittatori e i torturatori che la fanno da padroni. Eppure, la recente incriminazione, da parte della Corte penale internazionale, del sudanese Omar Al Bashir, accused of serious crimes in connection with the drama "If Darfur is a very important step.
Some powerful of the Earth (especially China) were promptly sided with the accused and the usual commentators "realists" have accused the Court of sin of wishful thinking and it has taken a decision "inappropriate". But for the poor, the unfortunate and the persecuted of the world, knowing that, finally, the law begins to claim its validity beyond the borders of the screen and the vaunted respect for "national sovereignty" is really a signal again. A sign of hope.
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