Some useful references (among many) for donations to earthquake victims Abruzzo.
Donations to the Food Bank of Abruzzo: Carichieti Bank, a subsidiary of Pescara, Viale Bovio, account number 10715 - ABI 6050 - CAB 15402 IBAN IT 26A0605015402CC0560010715 REASON: PRO QUAKE. ABRUZZO-Donations to the Red Cross: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Roma Bissolati-Treasury Branch - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Rome C / C BANK No. 218020 in the name of the Italian Red Cross Via Toscana, 12 - 00187 Rome, IBAN: IT66 - C010 0503 3820 0000 0218 020.
Another option to donate to the Red Cross: Post Office Account No 300004 payable to: Italian Red Cross, Via Toscana 12-00187 RomaCodice IBAN: IT24 - X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004.Causale: PRO QUAKE.
ABRUZZO-Payment Caritas: Number of postal account 82881004, IBAN: IT77K0760103200000082881004 payable Caritas in Rome, motive: Earthquake
payment to Mercy of Italy: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, IBAN: IT03 Y010 3002 8060 0000 5000 036.
Bank to Mediafriends: the following account: MediafriendsIBAN: IT41 D030 6909 4006 1521 5320 387Causale: Earthquake.
(Source: "Helping the victims of the earthquake," Facebook).
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