Qualche giorno fa, a Santa Fiora (sul Monte Amiata), paese natale suo e di suo fratello Ernesto, si sono svolti i funerali di Beppina Balducci.
Beppina era una donna semplice, sincera ed entusiasta. Dopo la scomparsa di padre Balducci,
tante volte ci eravamo trovati a ricordare, pubblicamente, quel suo straordinario fratello, che Beppina, una volta, aveva definito "un grande dono".
He remembered their biographical and recited a poem that touched p. Balducci, a young man, he had devoted to the country of his roots.
In recent times I Beppina news from afar. I knew the trials and sufferings.
Now, I like to remember, with friends, with that disarming smile and those with their spontaneous cheers that punctuated his conversation and his way of being good-hearted person and open to the world.
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