Thursday, December 24, 2009

Termitestenants Rights

Valutazioni di un ex candidato alle Primarie

Dear friends,
this is the last communication on campaign to "Ideas on the way". A path that has produced good initiatives, participate, substantial in content. Seeds, however, produce something.
decent results and defeat
elections results obtained by the writer are more than decent: 924 (nine hundred twenty-four) votes. All votes which are "real" (not like those produced by chains of command, notables, apparatus and nomenklatura) and I consider, be grateful, as so many tokens of esteem. Moreover, the turnout was very low and even the candidates who are best placed have not had the extraordinary results for which, often with a wealth of resources, had worked (and which had unwisely announced)
However, the result, though honorable and more than enough to be able to get out politically "head on", he assigns the tenth. Not useful, unless unforeseen events, to my re-election in the Regional Council. Mr A result, then, and a defeat. The defeats do not go looking for mitigating circumstances. They go, meanwhile, accepted and processed for what they are. But on the 'unfortunate incident of the so-called Primary requires some reflection. Thoughts that, as far as I'm concerned, certainly not with bitterness born of defeat (for the purpose of re-election in the Regional Council), but by a desire to contribute to the lively debate public policy that affects us all, the given system of this Act election Tuscany to begin with.
a distortion of democracy?
says it well, once again, the deputy chairman of the Senate, Vannino Chiti (Corriere Fiorentino, "December 15), which registers and the grotesque failure of a critical system in which" we will have two million eight hundred thousand Tuscans that the scelgobo candidates, and those who go to vote (at the March Regional ed) and one hundred thousand who have chosen candidates (in Primary n.dr.). In this real distortion of most elementary logic of democracy, we add what we repeatedly complained: the deafening silence that has accompanied the preparation of the Primary. A silence whose responsibility this really, really primaria (oltreché del "depotenziamento" delle Primarie indotto dalla mancata competizione fra i candidati presidenti, dal momento che il PD ha optato per un candidato unico, peraltro ottimo, come Enrico Rossi) è degli organi istituzionali che avrebbero dovuto informare i cittadini dell'importanza del passaggio elettorale e che questo compito non lo hanno assolto, o lo hanno assolto in maniera del tutto insufficiente. I cittadini, in percentuali elevatissime, non sapevano che c'era un importante passaggio elettorale o (cosa più grave) non sapevano dove erano i seggi. Di più: ai cittadini che si recavano al seggio sbagliato non si sapeva dire quale fosse e dove fosse il seggio in cui avrebbero dovuto recarsi. In alcune situazioni, come mi has been personally and directly reported, Vigli urban respondents in this regard, they did not know and had not been informed that there was an election date.
political responsibilities
There are, then, in this whole affair, blatant political responsibilities. From those of the regional leadership of the Democratic Party. Who first developed and pushed through a regional list (the five candidates who are removed from the primary and which are placed directly in a secure position in the list for the Regional) speaks for itself.
The "list" should be "calling card" of the party. It should also be made to accommodate, at least in part, members of the society calendar, the world of culture, professions and work. Instead, the list was composed according to a purely logical and partitocratica correntizia.
The next phase of the primaries, then, was completely "ungoverned" (as interpreted by more benevolent). There have been situations of serious asymmetry. In
Province, the territories were often rigidly "stuck" on support for individual candidates (a competition that takes place in a provincial electoral district!), While in Florence-the city was theorized (and brutal practice) a " free market "applications. With the small and insignificant detail that was made without any mediation, on the same level, powerful and well-established machinery of obtaining consent and campaigns entirely self-managed, self-financed and based on the contribution of the generous volunteering of young people, friends and members of civil society. How, exactly, was ours.
Still, in defense of "good policy"
worth repeating: almost a thousand votes, won in absolute poverty of means and the power of ideas, are a little "political capital". That will not be dispersed.
It starts from the civil society. First of all, the magazine "Testimonies" (the writer's burden and honor to lead). A magazine that, as always, subject to the internal pluralism of positions, enhancement of the joint work of believers and unbelievers, will continue its educational work in defense and in support of "good policy".
To those who, on the whole "transition" that we just behind, in various forms, I have been generated, effectively and affectionately close, sending a thank you, a hug and repeated the invitation to "never give up."

Severino Saccardi


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