Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Bas-relief depicting an angel and cross, with words of Khalil Gibran

Questo bassorilievo, realizzato con il mio pantografo CNC, raffigura un Angelo che tiene sulle gambe un bimbo, sullo sfondo una croce, e in alto una frase del poeta Khalil Gibran e dice: " ...non guardare molto lontano.. essi non sono distanti.. ma sono qui.. vicino a noi.. vestono i nostri abiti, sorridono con il nostro volto.. vivono in noi... ".

Il legno utilizzato è di pino, ho voluto sperimentare la lavorazione dei rilievi 3D anche con questo legno economico, però con scarso successo in quanto ho avuto modo di constatare che è molto resinoso e impasta il truciolo. Credo che questa sia l'ultima volta che utilizzerò legni Flights to experience!

Some details of the process:

Again the finish was done with two coats of stain cherry wood, a coat of sealer and multiple coats of beeswax neutral. The result is what you have viewed in the photo above. The photos below show, however, some stages of grinding.

  • External dimensions: 300mm x 300mm approximately
  • Roughing: Cylindrical drill 6mm, 0.5mm oversize, sinking 2mm pitch 30%, 4 hours to about a 1000mm/min
  • Finish: Punta round 1mm, passo laterale 0,15mm, velocità 1500mm/min, 11 ore di lavorazione.
  • Rifinitura: a mano con carta vetrata fina e raschietto per potere eliminare i residui resinosi.

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Motodays 2011

Finalmente è arrivato anche quest'anno l'evento motociclistico più importante del centro e sud Italia! Anche quest'anno avrò l'oppurtunità di partecipare, infatti domenica sarò a girovagare tra gli stand! Vi allego la descrizione dell'evento a cura del sito e ovviamente vi consiglio di partecipare!

Una formula di successo!
Dopo lo strepitoso successo della 2° edizione, il Salone Moto e Scooter della capitale rinnova l’appuntamento con tutti gli appassionati delle due ruote dal 10 al 13 marzo 2011 in Fiera Roma.

I 40.000 mq. di esposizione (+ 33,3% compared to the 1st edition), 4 exhibition halls (+ 1), the more than 300 companies (+ 28.7%) and 93,483 visitors during the four day event, as much as 33% more than last year, confirm the growing popularity of Motodays, which itself is already in its second year of life, the benchmark for all motorcyclists and users of the two wheels of the central and southern Italy.

Motodays 2011: the news and the confirmations
The 3rd edition will confirm Motodays which show a 360-degree world of two wheels, which in any year he wants to deepen their subject areas and products: offroad, custom bikes, scooters, aftermarket, Tourism, time, speed, ... The main changes for 2011 will be:

MARKET ONE TO ONE : The draft Motodays to achieve the most complete exposition of the means used for official dealer of brands on display. In an exhibition area and meeting space will be organized and managed meetings between potential customers and dealers. Visitors can get all the information in media exposure, you can find the bike of his interest through the selection criteria such as year, price, ... It could also be put in immediate contact with the sales department of the dealer.

: experiences, routes, accessories, tips, travel ideas in an area dedicated to who makes his own motion the means by which spend much of their free time. The visitor will be directly involved in a major new area of \u200b\u200binteractivity Motodays.

Also, after the successful return in 2010 Motodays:

Motodays VINTAGE : the area devoted to vintage vehicle, which has seen stars the great collections and themed exhibitions: the motion of regularity from 1957 to today, the legendary motorcycle and racing bikes of the most prestigious anni ’70, oltre alla mostra scambio, per la ricerca del ricambio o dell’accessorio più datato,

IL FOCUS SULL’AFTERMARKET : essenziale e graditissimo strumento di contatto tra i bikers e le aziende le giornate dell’aftermarket, sviluppate in collaborazione e con Assobike, consentono al biker un ideale avvicinamento verso la tecnica e la tecnologia, oltre ad una valida guida all’acquisto, ed alle aziende un interessante momento di confronto con i propri clienti potenziali.

IL CUSTOM SHOW : le migliori elaborazioni delle varie categorie del tuning motociclistico, realizzate dalle officine most qualified. Moto United States and abroad, mostly clothing, accessories most internationally acclaimed, competition in the bike show, to pinstriping, tattooing and to the hot rods.

DEMO RIDE AND COURSES: The outdoor area will stand still for their great vitality, for the attention that companies and institutions dedicated to the test again and rapprochement of the vehicle, safely who make a living Motodays unique in this sense.

Trophies : In addition to outdoor areas dedicated to demos and courses are less than 6 trophies up for grabs on the area show external Motodays 2010: mini, junior and senior, supemotard, maxi scooter, quad supermoto, minibike supermoto, minibike addition to the Italian league, which together with the evolution of stuntriders freestylers and represented the wide program dedicated to the show to the race.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Tourist Trophy

"If you go into a cave where c 'is a monstrous dragon, and the Tourist Trophy is, do not need to come armed to the teeth. Naked Log . The weapons most beautiful ones you gave the gods, the ones that God gave you and they are available inside, deep in your soul. "
Dr. Costa

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Women's Day - March 8

Women's Day

Women's Day, March 8 ;
The day dedicated to Women's Day is not only a great flourish of mimosa donated by lovers, husbands or friends, often unconscious, and the other one, of the meaning given to date, but it is something more. It 'a symbol of recurrence, no less than it is the first of May for all workers.
The reason for the commemoration of "International Women's Day" to be found in a dramatic episode record that is part of history, the fateful day of 'March 8 1908. Interpreting the textile industry "Cotton" in New York (United States of America.) And the workers who, for several days on strike and protest against exploitation, ask different working conditions, calling for a wage increase.
While the workers gathered at the meeting, the owner of the establishment, Mr. Jhonson, for fear of further demonstrations blocking all the exits of the factory. Women are still imprisoned in the warehouses, but they seem determined not to surrender. To unblock the situation dramatically
a fire occurs: the flames rise up from unexpected equipment, invest the warehouses, women fleeing toward the exits, they can not break down the doors before the smoke choking.
were 129 and died including all the Italian immigrants. Women seeking only to improve their living conditions, their existence.
In memory of that sad day 's March 8 assumed global importance, becoming, thanks to feminist associations, the date symbol to represent and express the redemption of the dignity of women.
Immediately after the war, the UDI (Union of Italian Women) by arranging the first March 8 (1946) poses the problem of finding a flower to symbolize the spirit of the day. La mimosa , profumata e poco costosa, ed in più il colore giallo simbolo di forza e vitalità, apparve, alle donne romane, come il fiore ideale. Da allora, la Mimosa , divenne il simbolo floreale della Giornata Internazionale della donna.
Da questo momento, gradualmente, inizia la vera scalata verso l’emancipazione femminile sul piano della conquista dei diritti sociali. Infatti, nel 1948 partecipa per la prima volta alle elezioni politiche della nostra Repubblica; qualche anno dopo, nel 1956 viene ammessa nei tribunali come membro della giuria popolare, mentre nel 1962 ottiene la piena parità giuridica sul lavoro.
Nel 1977 una riforma generale ha finalmente abolito ogni disparità between the sexes, and in 1979 he held for the first time in public office, and appointment as ambassador to the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.

Greetings to all women.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The origins of Carnival date back to very remote times, probably due to pagan customs, in a historical period anteriore alla Religione cristiana in cui ad es. si celebravano festività dionisiache nell'antica Grecia in onore del dio Dionisio o come i saturnali della Roma antica che compivano riti in onore del dio Saturno.
Con il cristianesimo il Carnevale è entrato a far parte del calendario liturgico ponendosi tra l’Epifania e la Quaresima , periodo quest’ultimo in cui ci si prepara alla Santa Pasqua con preghiera e astinenza.
Durante il Medioevo i festeggiamenti in occasione del Carnevale furono introdotti anche nelle corti europee ed assunsero forme più raffinate, legate anche al teatro, alla danza e alla musica. 
then spread in the disguise of town carnivals and in those places the mask allows the exchange of roles, the fun of hierarchical figures, satirizing the vices of people or malpractice.
Carnival The word is a term that derives from the Latin "Carnival" (carnem lift) which means "remove it from the flesh" before the Lenten fasting .
parade of floats

La data d’inizio del Carnevale non soltanto nella nostra penisola ma in tutto il mondo è diversa, in realtà il periodo della celebrazione varia di anno in anno, mentre la durata della festa può variare (a seconda della tradizione) da una settimana a qualche mese. 
Laddove si osserva il rito ambrosiano termina il sabato che precede il primo giorno di Quaresima , mentre ove si rispetta il rito romano si conclude quattro giorni prima “martedì grasso” giorno che precede il mercoledì delle Sacre Ceneri.
Parade of masks

This feast awaited from large, but especially by children, is an occasion of fun for all, and tradition has it that the last days of carnival are spent in public display of happiness with parades, especially with dance, costume, parades of allegorical floats, created with traditional masks and other fanciful, throwing confetti and streamers.
Among the various customs of the Carnival, in some Italian cities, has also preserved the tradition of burning the flames a carnival puppet of straw as a sign of purification and renewal.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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La cucina di Goa - Maiale Balchao

E' una giornata così-così, sarà il vento forte e il cielo grigio viola... sui miei libri delle elementari i mesi venivano spesso rappresentati in maniera antropomorfa, così febbraio aveva viole tra i capelli e le guance piene di vento ed oggi, malgrado il calendario che dice che è marzo, nell'aria c'è ancora febbraio, che fa crescere delicatissime viole e poi ci soffia sopra...non so, ma Lewis Carroll, avrebbe detto qualcosa di memorabile!
Ora, da qui a parlare di Goa, il passo è lunghissimo, bisognerebbe parlare di navi portoghesi che arrivano nella speziata e sensuale India, portando austerità, oceano Atlantico e vento! Impelagarsi inventando gesuiti goani Indian cooks and the cauldron (see melting pot) of the convent, refine the technique balchao identifying some traditional dishes and Portuguese-goan have a fantastic sweet and sour taste. All this would be possible to tell because there was definitely a monastery in Goa who had an Indian cook, surely there was a Jesuit Gourmet and sometimes the wind will be pulled, as demonstrated by the fact that there is a pig balchao. But today I won the spleen of the day, so I will confine myself to a dry explanation of the recipe.

Ingredients 700 g diced pork leg
4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1
cucchiaio di zenzero fresco grattugiato
1 spicchio d'aglio
1 stecca di cannella a pezzi
2 peperoncini rossi essiccati
4 chiodi di garofano
1 cucchiaino semi di cumino
1 cucchiaino di curcuma
1/2 cucchiaio di concentrato di pomodoro
1 cipolla grande
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
2 cucchiai di aceto di mele
10 grani di pepe nero

Tiratevi su le maniche e iniziate così:

Con un macinino tipo da pepe, o con un pestello, triturate la cannella, i peperoncini, i semi di cumino, i chiodo di garofano e i grani di pepe.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan, or better, if you have it in a wok. Zenzeero and add the garlic peeled and crushed. Fry for 30 seconds and then add the ground spices above, for 30 seconds, stirring.
add the bits of pork and turmeric and raise the heat slightly. Stew the meat for about 5 / 7 minutes, stirring frequently. Now add 2 dl of water, tomato paste and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes.
In a frying pan (another), heat the remaining oil and fry the thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion until it is browned, stirring frequently.
In a glass, Meanwhile, melt the vinegar with the sugar.
United fried onion to the pork, salt, and pour the vinegar with the sugar. Stir, cover and cook over low heat for about half an hour or until the meat is soft.
Serve with rice pilaf.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Rock of Orino (VA)

Rock of Orino (VA)

The Rock of urine is an ancient fortress on the north-east of the town, at an altitude of 537 m asl., on a spur rock that dominates much of Valcuvia.
It is assumed that the original fortified settlement dates back to the third century BC, but unfortunately at present there remains no trace of it visible.
The first documentary on the Rock of Orino are contained in the documents of the parish church of San Lorenzo in Cuvio and date back to March 1176, in a Charter finis et data "are among the underwriters a Soldanus Areas de urine" where "All" is definitely for "arce" in the sense of strength. In a "paper commutacionis" of 1222 are still a "Parravixinus de Arona" son of the late "Dominus de Maranus Roche de urine" and another document in the following year is appoint a "Emblavadus de Roche de urine", canon and brothers in the church of S. Lorenzo Cuvio between 1223 and 1236. Currently the examination of the walls of the fortress of Orino indicates a series of renovations and rebuilding almost certainly run in period Visconti-Sforza.
Rock of Orino ( VA)

In 1513, following the gradual disintegration of the duchy of Milan, within the control of which the fortress and were Valcuvia including, "our lands" are occupied by Swiss troops.

The Fortress of urine, involved in these events, suffered numerous and repeated occupations and is probably in this period and as a result of these events, Rocca is dismantled.
In a document dating back to 1640 it is referred to as "Roca ruined the whole" and "Cadastre Theresian of the next century is called" Roca precipitous. " Restoration works were carried out at the beginning of this century by the then owner Mario Sangalli. Currently, the Rock of urine and properties of Ms Piera Vedani Mascioni that initiated a new cycle of work (still pending) designed to preserve and enhance what remains of the fortification.
Rocca of Orino (VA)

between reality and legend
The Rock of urine is known locally as "Roca" Arian ", the legend says that the Aryans, driven by Bishop Ambrose of Milan, following the conviction of their doctrine of the Church, they had taken refuge on the hill that houses the town of Santa Maria del Monte.
According to legend, the Aryans occupied the fortress of urine and the garrisoned until the conquest of the "Forte di Varese" which took place in 389 AD by the Milanese troops. Local tradition has it that the Aryans were put to flight, as well as by the arrival of the army Ambrosian, the appearance of the figure of San Lorenzo wrapped in flames. The people, grateful, they named the site of San Lorenzo.
present in this town stands the small church of San Lorenzo with the adjoining cemetery in the town of urine.
but certainly the most famous legend is linked to the figure of Ada, the wife of Marchione, captain of mercenary troops in 1513 occupied the Swiss Valcuvia.
Rock of Orino (VA)

Legend has it that Marchione, with its allocated garrison at the fortress of urine, jealousy, fell into a deadly trap and imprisoned the young Ada in the dungeons of the castle Ada's brother, Francesco, his lieutenant. Later the same Marchione fell victim to a rebellion of his own mercenaries, who, threatened by the arrival of the English army, wanted to return to their lands. Francis, after the retreat of the Swiss, was abandoned in the dungeons of the fortress, condemned to die of hunger. It is said that his restless spirit is wandering since then, the bearer of evil omens, and the fortress in the woods, in the stories of the people .
Historical information from: / Country / 2 rocca.htm

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Calculation of the main dates of movable feasts each year


Invariably, every year on completion of the solemn days of the Christmas, we think of the holiday season on the calendar. How many of us often pose the question: when is Carnival this year, or S. Easter or Corpus Christi, etc.. We are always a bit 'confused and most of the time without giving a precise answer.
In this regard, I am interested, I made a careful study Web and I finally found an effective tool to calculate and determine with certainty the dates of the main movable feasts of all years, as well as those of past and future.
Click on the link;
Enter the year in the box and pressing the button on the button, an application will calculate for us and give us immediately the following dates;

Tuesday fat (last day of the Roman Carnival, preceding Ash Wednesday):
fat Saturday (last day of Carnival Ambrosiano, which precedes the first Sunday of Lent):
Ascension Thursday:
SS. Trinity
Thursday of Corpus Christi:
Sacred Heart of Jesus:

NB: The Ascension and the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) are currently in Italy celebrated the following Sunday, while the Feast of the Sacred Heart is not the day off.

I hope that this application is acceptable to all supporters of nonsolopiante and can find a utility group.

Source: connection

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Roaring 20's Gangster Party


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Samplenew Years Greetings


Foto: Le Container

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Make Disney Cakes

M.P.1 Review

A few days after the end of the restyling of the MP1 show you some of the photos taken by his friend Andrew last summer. Obviously, with this post thank you Andrea for your cooperation and I invite you to stay tuned to see MP1 renewed! ;-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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