In this regard, I am interested, I made a careful study Web and I finally found an effective tool to calculate and determine with certainty the dates of the main movable feasts of all years, as well as those of past and future.
Click on the link;
Enter the year in the box and pressing the button on the button, an application will calculate for us and give us immediately the following dates;
Tuesday fat (last day of the Roman Carnival, preceding Ash Wednesday):
fat Saturday (last day of Carnival Ambrosiano, which precedes the first Sunday of Lent):
Ascension Thursday:
SS. Trinity
Thursday of Corpus Christi:
Sacred Heart of Jesus:
NB: The Ascension and the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) are currently in Italy celebrated the following Sunday, while the Feast of the Sacred Heart is not the day off.
I hope that this application is acceptable to all supporters of nonsolopiante and can find a utility group.
Source: connection
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