Monday, October 25, 2010

Hollywood Waxing While Pregnant

sformato di cavolo rapa e patate

recipe created at the request of help on "and that I do with kohlrabi??" served as the impetus for trying new things, this is one possibility:

1 kg of potatoes
600 g of kohlrabi
2 eggs
200 grams of pecorino cheese (or other flavorful cheese)

Peel potatoes and kohlrabi, cut the potatoes into chunks and cabbage turnip pieces (much) bigger, and then put it all basket in pressure cooker, add a little water on the bottom, a bit 'of salt and cook under pressure for about 20 minutes (or, in the absence of a pressure cooker, in any other suitable way to cook the vegetables steam).
Meanwhile grate the cheese in a large bowl (keeping, however, by a generous handful).
When the vegetables are cooked, mash with potato masher (or a blender), add cheese and mix well, add eggs and mix again.
Prepare a pan by spreading a bit on the bottom 'of bread crumbs, evenly distribute the mashed potatoes and cabbage, turnips, sprinkle with grated cheese and set aside previously and bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until gratinerĂ  surface.

The proportions can be "biased" towards the kohlrabi, making sure that the final preparation is likely to become too wet, so may prefer a separate baking potatoes and kohlrabi to cook all the vegetables with their skin and reducing so the absorption of water in cooking.


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