Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Happy New Year 2011 Greetings

Happy New Year 2011

Dear friends,

the current year is almost finished: approaches fast forward into the streets carrying the New Year around the world, the usual desire for fun, carefree, music, dancing and fireworks.

listen all, as always, a set of choral voices from all corners of the earth with greetings of peace and brotherhood, so in that spirit we will try to begin new year with the right boost of energy, thus leaving behind the many many hopes and dreams entrusted to the old 2010, then store them with confidence in the future.

Therefore, it is with this hope that I offer you my warmest wishes, even though the statements may seem formal and always the same, wishing each of you a Happy Year 2011 , full of serenity, peace, joy, luck and a lot of health!

Greetings to all.



Monday, December 20, 2010

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... Merry Christmas Nativity Christmas

Christmas ... Merry Christmas

Hello to all dear friends and supporters,

now we are on the eve the best party of the year, so I would like to express my feelings of friendship, wishing you a Happy St. Christmas .

course the wishes are for all, to those who have followed and will follow this blog " " and then to all those people which are found in passing that for one reason or another have focused on these web pages I can not remember the fellow friends who are beyond the borders of the motherland, to whom we wish a special Happy Christmas.

wish you all a Christmas light and serenity, health, peace, love, joy and happiness come into your hearts and your families.

With sympathy and esteem

Attilio Curcio


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Baccalà alla livornese sotto la neve

Due giorni di neve, due giorni di fornelli e libri: totale, paradiso!
The snow began around 10 am Friday, c'avevamo hoped since the night before, the estimates also put the snowflake on the plains to the sea: the extraordinary event, when that happens, everyone says, we hope not and ice not hard, but if you look at people's faces, and the expression was something childlike in their eyes says that so hopefully 3 meters! The heavy snowfall that would generate boring and unnecessary hysteria, was a total beauty, absolute and inexorable.
Give time, give up, sometimes it becomes the greatest luxury that we can give.

What to do with the cod .... I honestly do not know, except for the fact that thanks to the snow, I cooked, but maybe not, maybe that cod can celebrate the big snowfall came from the sea, which has betrayed the Florentines who seek bad weather peering behind the Apennines, as he approached stealth from Livorno!

Ingredients for two (let's say the next day, if not, with these doses we can make a paste)

400 grams of dried cod soaked already
1 bunch of parsley 2 cloves
garlic pepper 1
500 grams of peeled (good indeed very good)
flour taste
olive oil peanut oil per friggere

La ragione per avere due tipi di olio in una ricetta risiede nel fatto piuttosto ovvio che questa non è una ricetta ma due: baccalà fritto + salsa di recupero.
Trovare del baccalà decente non è semplicissimo, e invece sarebbe molto importante. Io di solito lo compro già ammollato, altrimenti, se ha ancora il sale, va sciacquato bene sotto l'acqua fredda e poi immerso completamente in una ciotola d'acqua che va cambiata abbastanza spesso per un paio di giorni. Quindi, al momento di cucinarlo, asciugate bene il baccalà e fatelo a pezzi cercando di eliminare le spine e poi infarinatelo.
Se come in questo caso il baccalà è poco, secondo me, non conviene friggere in immersione: troppo spreco di olio. Meglio utilizzare una piccola padella e friggere il pesce, con 4/5 cucchiai di olio di arachide (qualcuno preferisce friggere con l'olio d'oliva e direi che potete fare come preferite), controllando spesso la cottura e girando solo una volta i pezzi ben rosolati, per evitare che si sfaldino. Quando saranno pronti scolateli bene e metteteli da parte al caldo.
Sminuzzate il prezzemolo, l' aglio e il peperoncino. Scaldate poco olio d'oliva in un tegame (io ne ho usato uno di coccio), e soffriggete il trito a fiamma dolce, aggiungete i pelati e salate. Quando la salsa si sarà ristretta, aggiungete i pezzi di baccalà, incoperchiate e fate andare ancora per circa dieci minutes without turning the fish.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pirates Of Caribbean Guitar Tab

Torta al timo, salame e ricotta

pie ... yet another ... I have a feeling that the pies are becoming the equivalent of the cream in the dough during the 80s and 90s. In this case, however, have been seduced by the union of the sausage with onions and herbs (I used more than the official number), and I was not impressed by the amount of milk contained, in fact, model Nigella, I cried that "simply adore cholesterol."

Oh well, it's a pie to divide, and it deserves because it is very tasty, cut into squares and served as an appetizer is quite convincing, both for taste and aesthetics.
The original recipe has changed here and there David Lebovitz . For the series Render unto Caesar ...

Ingredients 1 package of puff pastry rectangle

300 grams of fresh ricotta or goat cheese

250 g of fresh onions, sliced \u200b\u200binto rounds

125 ml of sour cream or plain cream mount

125 ml of milk 1 egg

60 grams of spicy salami calabrese

3 sprigs thyme or other herbs of your choice


Slowly braised in butter and onions, add salt after cooking, turn off the heat inside and browse sprigs thyme, leaving them to flavor the onions.
If you want you can also add other herbs to your liking.
Meanwhile, in a bowl, reducing the cream cheese or goat cheese, add egg and mix, then add the cream, milk and salami. Mix well and also the last to put the onions and thyme. Add salt and pepate.Aggiustate the dough into a mold by eliminating excess dough, then pour the filling, level with a spatula.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes or until golden brown surface. Moved out of the oven e cospargete con foglioline di timo.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Phentermine And Mini Strokes

Crib - Varese

throughout the world during the Christmas period, in churches, homes along the narrow streets, squares and courtyards, where Christians celebrate the incarnation of God, the custom of erecting cribs .
The first, according to tradition, born from the desire to San Francisco to revive in a natural birth in Bethlehem. Took place in Greccio, a small village near Assisi, he wanted to represent the nativity scene that everyone, even the most humble, understood the deeper meaning of that event.

Sacro Monte di Varese 2010

Christmas Eve of 1223 Francis staged a nativity scene in a cave: Jesus, Mary and Joseph were played by real people, real as they were the ox and the donkey.
people come in procession to the cave and ran out of words seemed to be right in front of the Holy Family in Bethlehem. The crib is set up well, liked it so much that the custom soon spread throughout the Catholic world.
Over the centuries, statues of wood, clay and wax replaced people in the flesh and the simple nativity scene was enriched by elements of the landscape and many other characters.

Crib - Sacro Monte Varese

The first model old crib still, come to us, is made by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1280 approx., Which you still hold only a few statues in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, and later the crib spread from the second half of the fifteenth century, in Naples, Tuscany and Northern Italy.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth century take on particularly important specimens Genoese wooden statuettes made of finely carved and decorated by artists such as AM and G. Maragliano Pittaluga, and the Neapolitans, intensely rich and spectacular, lavish of which supersedes all the mystical tradition of the previous year. These extraordinary compositions gave their contribution as well as artists such as DA Vaccaro and G. Sammartino, workers potters, goldsmiths and other craftsmen who embellished and overload performance.
This tradition has become widespread in many European countries, including Spain, where the crib strongly characterizes the Christmas and throughout the Christian world.


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Prepare for Christmas


The Christmas is coming, seems like a stage production that renewed on time every year.
fact, alleys, squares and courtyards, are home to beautiful illuminated trees and nativity scenes representing the Nativity of Our Lord. The traditional construction
light for the streets in all of us into Christmas mood, full of charm, joy and happiness.
We still have some time, but è giunto il momento di pensare ai regali da mettere sotto l’albero, alla tavola d’apparecchiare, ai cibi da gustare, agli addobbi adatti per la ricorrenza, preparare in sostanza quella vera occasione di ritrovare ed incontrare amici e parenti per trascorrere la magica atmosfera del Natale .
Tutto questo mi riconduce con il pensiero a momenti andati ma non perduti, a istanti della mia infanzia, allorquando non occorrevano grandi preparativi ma bastava poco per scaldarci il cuore. Bastava una tavola imbandita diversa un po’ del solito ed il ritrovarsi con gli affetti più cari per renderti felice.


Fly thought in those early days. I see the pictures of loved ones who now are gone, I see that child who despite not having many gifts was the same happy, happy atmosphere of the magic of the moment, happy to listen to parents and family, happy to listen to and discuss the remember to turn the stories of their youth.
Today, it is not so, we have become more demanding, we just heard and no longer content with the small but great things, we think more consumerism, to ourselves, and forget that Christmas should be an opportunity to improve our way of being, let us become better people, generosi e caritatevoli verso il nostro prossimo.
Io, Caro Gesù Bambino, non ho grandi desideri per me, ma vorrei tanto che Tu continuassi a vivere nel nostro cuore ed a guidarci per la giusta via.
Vorrei che il tuo amore e il Tuo calore suffragato dalla Tua Bontà Divina scaldasse i cuori più freddi guidandoli sulla retta via e che tutte le famiglie del mondo indebolite da tante ostilità e rancori possano finalmente essere unite e felici.
Vorrei che ogni bambino potesse giocare, crescere e vivere in un’atmosfera di serenità e d’amore, circondato da un mondo più bello e dagli affetti più cari.
Desidererei tanto che non esistessero tante brutte malattie da rendere la vita più problematica da quanto no it already is.
I would so much a different world, where we no longer speak of destruction, wars, rapes, violence of any kind, a world where all beings on this earth can get along and live in peace.
This is what I ask you Dear Baby Jesus , are likely to remain dreams, desires and hopes, but does not cost anything, and certainly helps us to live better.


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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dimensions 100 Projector Screen

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

La tradizione risale agli antichi popoli germanici, in particolare i Teutoni, che, nei giorni più bui dell'anno, piantavano davanti alle case un abete ornato di ghirlande e bruciavano un enorme ceppo nel camino.

Giardini di Varese

Il ceppo doveva essere preferibilmente di Quercia, che era considerato un legno propiziatorio che simboleggia forza e solidità, e doveva bruciare per dodici giorni consecutivi. Da come bruciava si poteva leggere il futuro dell'anno a venire. Simbolicamente si bruciava il passato e si coglievano i segni del prossimo futuro: le scintille che salivano nella cappa simboleggiavano il ritorno dei giorni lunghi, la cenere veniva raccolta e sparsa nei campi per sperare in abbondanti raccolti.

Giardini pubblici di Varese

Ritroviamo oggi questi simboli nel nostro albero di natale e nelle nostre vie: l'albero che usiamo per Natale è un albero che rimane verde tutto l'anno, non perde le foglie durante l'inverno come fanno gli altri. Simbolizza la Vita eterna che il Cristianesimo vissuto porta nell'anima della gente, è speranza di rinascita. L e luci e the illuminations, then, are the sparks of fire, representing the Light of Christ on humanity; objects for decorations, fruits and gifts are hopes of prosperity, a symbol of his generosity towards us. In Northern Europe, Christmas is the feast of the children because the infant Jesus became the Savior of the world.

Varese Corso Matteotti

The custom of ' Christmas tree, a spruce or a pine tree, decorated with shiny stars, balls, men's chocolate, fruit and sweets is right in these countries. It tells of a man who, returning home on Christmas Eve, he saw the wonderful spectacle of the stars shining through the branches of a fir tree. To explain to his wife what he saw, cut a small fir tree and adorned with lighted candles. Thus the first Christmas tree . This custom, which is realized on 8 December, has since spread to Italy where, especially in the south, which was common only the manger.


Friday, December 3, 2010

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Salsa romesco - Dicembre è rosso!

Grande scoperta questa salsa spagnola per accompagnare il pesce o le verdure grigliate, oppure le olive, o spalmata sui crostini.
Ha avuto anche un gran finale italico finendo come sugo in un piatto di rigatoni: la su' morte...come si dice....
Si tratta di tre preparazioni diverse che confluiscono nel mixer alla fine, e la parte interessante sta nel fatto che è possibile farne due versioni: una estiva utilizzando le verdure fresche di stagione e una invernale utilizzando i peperoni grigliati sott'olio e i pomodori pelati.
Una volta o l'altra bisognereà parlare del magico mondo dei barattoli........

Gli ingredienti sono:

1 peperone rosso

3 pomodori

4 spicchi d'aglio

1 pugno di mandorle pelate possibilmente

1 fetta di pane senza crosta

2 scalogni

1 cucchiaino di paprika piccante

1 peperoncino

1/2 bicchiere di aceto di vino rosso

1 cucchiaino di zucchero

olio d'oliva


Accendete il forno e portatelo a 220°. Pulite e tagliate a falde il peperone, lavate e tagliate a metà i pomodori e metteteli in una pirofila insieme con l'aglio in camicia. Conditeli bene con l'olio e infornate il tutto per una mezz'ora, remove from oven and let cool. Of course this can be skipped if you use canned tomatoes and peppers, in this case, however, you have to grill the garlic in a shirt, maybe a chart using stapino by creme caramel, or, to avoid wasting the oven with 4 to, you can avoid boiling, always poached in a pot, even if you lose the distinctive flavor of grilling, or even the third solution, you could save in a previous batch of potatoes and garlic, they reuse them for the sauce or make flower beds.

Cut the bread into cubes, removing the crust, then take a pan with a little oil and brown bread with almonds for qaulche minute and then put them to drain on paper towels.

Finely chop the shallots, then put them in the pan used previously, along with wing paprika and crushed red pepper, add a little oil and stew together for a few minutes, until the shallot is soft.

At this point, take the glass of the mixer. Peel the peppers, tomatoes and garlic and pour into a glass along with the almonds, bread and onions stewed. Add half a cup of vinegar in which you have dissolved a teaspoon of sugar and operate the mixer, adding a thread of olive oil until desired consistency. Taste and season with salt.