Si tratta di tre preparazioni diverse che confluiscono nel mixer alla fine, e la parte interessante sta nel fatto che è possibile farne due versioni: una estiva utilizzando le verdure fresche di stagione e una invernale utilizzando i peperoni grigliati sott'olio e i pomodori pelati.
Gli ingredienti sono:
1 peperone rosso
3 pomodori
4 spicchi d'aglio
1 pugno di mandorle pelate possibilmente
1 fetta di pane senza crosta
2 scalogni
1 cucchiaino di paprika piccante
1 peperoncino
1/2 bicchiere di aceto di vino rosso
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
olio d'oliva
Accendete il forno e portatelo a 220°. Pulite e tagliate a falde il peperone, lavate e tagliate a metà i pomodori e metteteli in una pirofila insieme con l'aglio in camicia. Conditeli bene con l'olio e infornate il tutto per una mezz'ora, remove from oven and let cool. Of course this can be skipped if you use canned tomatoes and peppers, in this case, however, you have to grill the garlic in a shirt, maybe a chart using stapino by creme caramel, or, to avoid wasting the oven with 4 to, you can avoid boiling, always poached in a pot, even if you lose the distinctive flavor of grilling, or even the third solution, you could save in a previous batch of potatoes and garlic, they reuse them for the sauce or make flower beds.
Cut the bread into cubes, removing the crust, then take a pan with a little oil and brown bread with almonds for qaulche minute and then put them to drain on paper towels.
Finely chop the shallots, then put them in the pan used previously, along with wing paprika and crushed red pepper, add a little oil and stew together for a few minutes, until the shallot is soft.
At this point, take the glass of the mixer. Peel the peppers, tomatoes and garlic and pour into a glass along with the almonds, bread and onions stewed. Add half a cup of vinegar in which you have dissolved a teaspoon of sugar and operate the mixer, adding a thread of olive oil until desired consistency. Taste and season with salt.
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