Thursday, December 24, 2009

Termitestenants Rights

Valutazioni di un ex candidato alle Primarie

Dear friends,
this is the last communication on campaign to "Ideas on the way". A path that has produced good initiatives, participate, substantial in content. Seeds, however, produce something.
decent results and defeat
elections results obtained by the writer are more than decent: 924 (nine hundred twenty-four) votes. All votes which are "real" (not like those produced by chains of command, notables, apparatus and nomenklatura) and I consider, be grateful, as so many tokens of esteem. Moreover, the turnout was very low and even the candidates who are best placed have not had the extraordinary results for which, often with a wealth of resources, had worked (and which had unwisely announced)
However, the result, though honorable and more than enough to be able to get out politically "head on", he assigns the tenth. Not useful, unless unforeseen events, to my re-election in the Regional Council. Mr A result, then, and a defeat. The defeats do not go looking for mitigating circumstances. They go, meanwhile, accepted and processed for what they are. But on the 'unfortunate incident of the so-called Primary requires some reflection. Thoughts that, as far as I'm concerned, certainly not with bitterness born of defeat (for the purpose of re-election in the Regional Council), but by a desire to contribute to the lively debate public policy that affects us all, the given system of this Act election Tuscany to begin with.
a distortion of democracy?
says it well, once again, the deputy chairman of the Senate, Vannino Chiti (Corriere Fiorentino, "December 15), which registers and the grotesque failure of a critical system in which" we will have two million eight hundred thousand Tuscans that the scelgobo candidates, and those who go to vote (at the March Regional ed) and one hundred thousand who have chosen candidates (in Primary n.dr.). In this real distortion of most elementary logic of democracy, we add what we repeatedly complained: the deafening silence that has accompanied the preparation of the Primary. A silence whose responsibility this really, really primaria (oltreché del "depotenziamento" delle Primarie indotto dalla mancata competizione fra i candidati presidenti, dal momento che il PD ha optato per un candidato unico, peraltro ottimo, come Enrico Rossi) è degli organi istituzionali che avrebbero dovuto informare i cittadini dell'importanza del passaggio elettorale e che questo compito non lo hanno assolto, o lo hanno assolto in maniera del tutto insufficiente. I cittadini, in percentuali elevatissime, non sapevano che c'era un importante passaggio elettorale o (cosa più grave) non sapevano dove erano i seggi. Di più: ai cittadini che si recavano al seggio sbagliato non si sapeva dire quale fosse e dove fosse il seggio in cui avrebbero dovuto recarsi. In alcune situazioni, come mi has been personally and directly reported, Vigli urban respondents in this regard, they did not know and had not been informed that there was an election date.
political responsibilities
There are, then, in this whole affair, blatant political responsibilities. From those of the regional leadership of the Democratic Party. Who first developed and pushed through a regional list (the five candidates who are removed from the primary and which are placed directly in a secure position in the list for the Regional) speaks for itself.
The "list" should be "calling card" of the party. It should also be made to accommodate, at least in part, members of the society calendar, the world of culture, professions and work. Instead, the list was composed according to a purely logical and partitocratica correntizia.
The next phase of the primaries, then, was completely "ungoverned" (as interpreted by more benevolent). There have been situations of serious asymmetry. In
Province, the territories were often rigidly "stuck" on support for individual candidates (a competition that takes place in a provincial electoral district!), While in Florence-the city was theorized (and brutal practice) a " free market "applications. With the small and insignificant detail that was made without any mediation, on the same level, powerful and well-established machinery of obtaining consent and campaigns entirely self-managed, self-financed and based on the contribution of the generous volunteering of young people, friends and members of civil society. How, exactly, was ours.
Still, in defense of "good policy"
worth repeating: almost a thousand votes, won in absolute poverty of means and the power of ideas, are a little "political capital". That will not be dispersed.
It starts from the civil society. First of all, the magazine "Testimonies" (the writer's burden and honor to lead). A magazine that, as always, subject to the internal pluralism of positions, enhancement of the joint work of believers and unbelievers, will continue its educational work in defense and in support of "good policy".
To those who, on the whole "transition" that we just behind, in various forms, I have been generated, effectively and affectionately close, sending a thank you, a hug and repeated the invitation to "never give up."

Severino Saccardi

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can I Breastfeed My Husband

Dichiarazione di voto di una scarpa sinistra.

Last night, at City Schools-Pestalozzi was a party. Devoted friend Gabriella Lisi (who has an authentic passion for shoes). Theme of the evening, then, are the shoes. The good Anna Lucheroni proposed some delicious lyrics. Including this "Explanation of vote of a left shoe" who speaks in a transparent manner the primaries and my job. Reprint it in gratitude. Severino Saccardi.
"I do not know whether that is the case. Who decides whether the case is or is not the case? I take the responsibility to decide myself this time. The 13 days will go down the stairs of my house, and walk on the sidewalk until the traffic light, wait for the green cross, will enter into a building, inside a voting booth and the name of my representative. And do not vote for friendship or for convenience. I do not why I will vote if elected will put me or let me have some of the wedges privileges, such as transparencies best, best shoe horns, best containers. Do not give them to me. And I do not ask. I'd love to have him as my representative for all that he did not ask. I know that someone bisofno extreme, beyond fashion, conventions, opportunities, continues to beat the path of dialogue between cultures and religions, the planetary reflection on the great issues of human rights, environmental respect, cooperation, solidarity and pace.Ne I need. Otherwise, I turn to a wholesaler, a representative of famous brands, a publicity agent, a seller of leather. I come down on the 13 stairs at home, and walk on the sidewalk until semaforo, aspetterò il verde, attraverserò, entrerò in un edificio, dentro una cabina, aprirò una scheda e voterò il nome del mio rappresentante. E concludo dicendo che non spiegherò meglio di così a meno che non mi si chieda di farlo. Non è propaganda gratuita. E' econvinzione.(Dichiarazione di voto di una scarpa sinistra per un rappresentante...di scarpe).ANNA LUCHERONI

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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Una poesia di stretta attualità (politica)

Il mondo vuol vedere la speranza sul viso.
Per gli statisti diventa d’obbligo il sorriso.
Sorridere vuol dire non darsi allo sconforto.
Anche se il gioco è complesso, l’esito uncertain
conflicting interests - it is always comforting
that the teeth are white and very bright. I have my doubts. Statesmen, if true, should not
smile the whole day.
Only occasionally, because it is spring, many flowers,
there is no rush or no tension in his face. (...)
Wislawa Szymborska

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can Any Doctor Do Surgery

Scrittori in carcere nel mondo

Freedom of expression: more than 600 writers in prison in mondo22.10.09 - More than 600 writers are locked up in prison for their works throughout the world. More than 200 of them are under dramatic. The complaint of the 'Writers in Prison Committee', a member of Pen Club International, meeting in the 75th World Congress in Linz, Austria. The situation is particularly difficult for women writers, especially in countries such as China, Turkey, Iran, Eritrea and Vietnam. (Source: RCD)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can I Cook Flounder On The Stove

Teheran: il pugno duro del regime

rises to three people sentenced to death in Iran after the arrests related to protests over the disputed presidential election. The first convicted in the riots sparked by the disputed re-election of President Ahmadinejad Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani. According to the official, the defendant admitted on charges of espionage, but Amnesty International has condemned the alleged use of torture to obtain the so-called "confessions" (Stalinist-style). The other two convicts (of which were made public only the initials, AP and NA) were found guilty of links with "illegal organizations". Remain, meanwhile, hundreds of other detainees in the prisons of Tehran, were arrested after the demonstrations of the 'green wave ". Off the spotlight on international level, the machinery of repression in Iran has worked at full capacity. They are events that challenge us. And which, for our part, the activation of a visible solidarity with the courageous Iranian civil society. To save the life of the condemned and to request the release of political prisoners and "prisoners of conscience."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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La lezione di Anna

October 7, 2006. Killing of Anna Poltikvoskaya. Is removed by force a journalist and a female symbol of human rights, democracy, respect for human dignity in Russia and Chechnya.
Three years later, legally, to the memory of Anna was not given justice (and, as happens in cases like that, who knows if it ever materializes).
is not rhetorical, however, say that the lesson of civil courage and sensitivity Ethics Anna lives in the fight global, compelling and dramatic news for the defense of freedom of press and information at every latitude and in every corner of the world.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

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Giornalisti assassinati: il "caso Poveda"

El Salvador: reporter killed the author of a documentary on local drug traffickers.
The lifeless body of the journalist and documentary filmmaker Franco-English Christian Poveda was found with gunshot wounds inside his jeep in a rural district of San Salvador. According to preliminary information provided by the police, Poveda was killed with four blows to the head and chest fired by unknown assailants who would intercept the Tonacatepeque his vehicle in the area, north of the capital, according to witnesses the murders would have vanished without a trace. Poveda, 52, was filming a documentary on The Campanero, an area controlled by the 'maras' or 'gangs', the youth gangs spread throughout Central America. He had achieved some notoriety in 2008 with a previous documentary, 'La Vida Loca', which described the reality of the 'Mara 18', one of the most feared rival, together with the 'Mara Salvatrucha', presented as the result of family break-in Salvadoran society to seventeen years after the war Civil Aviation (1980-'92). Poveda says in the documentary that the "maras bring the terror," but at the same time argues that gangs are the only academic to understand the discomfort of living in the Central American country. "We understand why children of 12-13 years in a mara come and give their lives for it," he said, a few weeks before his death, the reporter in an interview with the online newspaper 'El Faro'. He arrived in El Salvador in 1980 as a correspondent for 'Time Magazine', Poveda had worked as a war photographer in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America since 1990 chose to devote himself to documentaries. (Source: "Information Safety and Freedom").

Thursday, August 20, 2009

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L'italiano, una lingua democratica

"(...) anyone, of any Italian region, can accuse a state or a power imposed on him by his (...) a language that has had, if anything, only the power of culture. Florence did nothing, if not take advantage of the talent of its great writers. As for the current 'Padania' (...) not forget that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, who did most to give a modern language to all the inhabitants of the peninsula, making out Tuscan dialects and narrow, were the Lombard Manzoni, the Ligurian piemontesizzato De Amicis, the Turin d'Azeglio, the Dalmatian Tommaseo, Fogazzaro Veneto, Emilia Romagna to the pasture, the Genoese Mazzini. And that, even before the Asti Alfieri, the subalpine Baretti, the Milanese Verri and Beccaria had done much to entrench the common language .(....) fact remains that dialects are a treasure. But it is a treasure even more the instrument gradually became common, almost a thousand years, at least 60 million people. In its own right, without the need for government decrees protected by the police "
(Vittorio Messori, The Italian, a language of democracy," Corriere della Sera, August 19, 2009).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bathing Suits For E Cups

Florence with Iran 's democratic struggle.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Free Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2009

"Where is my vote?".

" Where is my vote?".
Era, this slogan identification, and endlessly repeated, the Iranian students who demonstrated yesterday in Florence, Piazza della Repubblica. Protesting, with unveiled faces, alternating with those expressions in the language being English and (very good) Italian.
to say goodbye and past president of the Regional Council, Riccardo Nencini, who announced that the next festival in Tuscany, focusing on the themes of creativity and freedom, will be devoted to them.
the mayoral candidate of the center, Matt Renzi, assured that no Florence lascerà sola la numerosa comunità iraniana che vive in questa città.
Sono parole di cui bisognerà avere memoria e che dovranno essere tradotte in fatti concreti.
Domani mattina, 17 Giugno, intanto, una delegazione di giovani iraniani verrà ricevuta in Consiglio Regionale. Vuole essere un impegno: a non abbandonarli.
"Where are their votes?".

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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Anniversario di Tien An Men: la Cina censura internet

Venti anni fa, si compiva the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Those events, according to information regime and the official history, have never occurred. It is strictly forbidden to talk about it.
the occasion of this awkward anniversary, the Beijing regime has decided to obscure the internet sources are considered "dangerous" (Twitter, Flickr-guilty to host images on the violation of human rights in China, Hotmail, and, probably, also Bing "successor" to Windows Live Searcher).
no coincidence, "Reporters Sans Frontières" counts China among the "enemies of the Internet."
A (noisy) confirms that today la battaglia per la libertà di espressione, oggi, passa anche, e forse soprattutto, per la Rete.
(Fonte: Zeus News).

Friday, May 29, 2009

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L'ultimo viaggio di Beppina Balducci

Qualche giorno fa, a Santa Fiora (sul Monte Amiata), paese natale suo e di suo fratello Ernesto, si sono svolti i funerali di Beppina Balducci.
Beppina era una donna semplice, sincera ed entusiasta. Dopo la scomparsa di padre Balducci,
tante volte ci eravamo trovati a ricordare, pubblicamente, quel suo straordinario fratello, che Beppina, una volta, aveva definito "un grande dono".
He remembered their biographical and recited a poem that touched p. Balducci, a young man, he had devoted to the country of his roots.
In recent times I Beppina news from afar. I knew the trials and sufferings.
Now, I like to remember, with friends, with that disarming smile and those with their spontaneous cheers that punctuated his conversation and his way of being good-hearted person and open to the world.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do Night Lights Keep Roaches

Roxana è libera!

is free!
E' una grande
dal punto di vista umano.
Ed è' una vittoria
della causa
dei diritti umani
e della cultura del dialogo.

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Il dramma di Roxana Saberi

Iran: preoccupano le condizioni di salute della giornalista condannata per spionaggio 27.04.09 - Roxana Saberi, la giornalista irano-americana in carcere a Teheran e da 7 giorni in sciopero della fame, è 'molto debole' secondo il padre. Reza Saberi ha incontrato la figlia in carcere ieri, per il suo trentaduesimo compleanno, e oggi per la visita settimanale con i familiari. L'uomo ha detto che per il momento la figlia non viene sottoposta a particolari cure mediche. Roxana Saberi è stata condannata a 8 anni di reclusione per spionaggio in favore degli Usa ed è ora in attesa del processo d'appello. Assume contorni drammatici la situazione della giovane giornalista, in difesa della quale si sono pronunciati in questi giorni sia gli Usa che l'Unione Europea, e il cui patrocinio legale potrebbe essere assunto da Shirin Ebadi, Nobel per la Pace nel 2003.
(Da un Comunicato di "Information Safety and Freedom")

Saturday, April 25, 2009

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April 25, 2009 By

"The Resistance (....) was a huge, glorious
dream of peace ...".
(Ernesto Balducci, "Those my school", in "The dream of a thing", edited by L. Niccolai, Ed Culture of Peace)

Friday, April 10, 2009

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Some useful references (among many) for donations to earthquake victims Abruzzo.

Donations to the Food Bank of Abruzzo: Carichieti Bank, a subsidiary of Pescara, Viale Bovio, account number 10715 - ABI 6050 - CAB 15402 IBAN IT 26A0605015402CC0560010715 REASON: PRO QUAKE. ABRUZZO-Donations to the Red Cross: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Roma Bissolati-Treasury Branch - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Rome C / C BANK No. 218020 in the name of the Italian Red Cross Via Toscana, 12 - 00187 Rome, IBAN: IT66 - C010 0503 3820 0000 0218 020.
Another option to donate to the Red Cross: Post Office Account No 300004 payable to: Italian Red Cross, Via Toscana 12-00187 RomaCodice IBAN: IT24 - X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004.Causale: PRO QUAKE.
ABRUZZO-Payment Caritas: Number of postal account 82881004, IBAN: IT77K0760103200000082881004 payable Caritas in Rome, motive: Earthquake
payment to Mercy of Italy: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, IBAN: IT03 Y010 3002 8060 0000 5000 036.
Bank to Mediafriends: the following account: MediafriendsIBAN: IT41 D030 6909 4006 1521 5320 387Causale: Earthquake.
(Source: "Helping the victims of the earthquake," Facebook).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

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also closes the LEF

For days now, we know: even close to the LEF.
A great Florentine library. Indeed, more than a library. An historic meeting place and a kind of "home" culture, has been referred to as La Pira personality, Don Milani, Balducci, Gozzini and Meucci. The editorial work will continue (run by Giannozzo Pucci), but the closure of the library is a (another) blow to the image and the cultural life of Florence. 's useful "provocation" by Franco Cardini (which argues that intellectuals have to personally put hands in their pockets to prevent the closure) is nothing but the classic rock in pigeon. " It intelligently noise, but not required. E 'in the public realm (and institutional) that, even in times of "lean" and scarcity of resources, it opened a lively debate on the Protection, non assistenziale, della "cultura diffusa". Che è un patrimonio inestimabile di Firenze e della Toscana.
E' la strada maestra per non ritrovarsi, così spesso, a dover piangere sul latte, ormai, versato.
Alla LEF, comunque, per quanto negli anni ha rappresentato, un convinto "GRAZIE".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Think I'm Having Second Herpes Outbreak

They are universal human rights?

Sono universali i diritti umani? Viene da dubitarne-non in linea di principio, sia chiaro, ma in linea di fatto- perché sono troppi i dittatori e i torturatori che la fanno da padroni. Eppure, la recente incriminazione, da parte della Corte penale internazionale, del sudanese Omar Al Bashir, accused of serious crimes in connection with the drama "If Darfur is a very important step.
Some powerful of the Earth (especially China) were promptly sided with the accused and the usual commentators "realists" have accused the Court of sin of wishful thinking and it has taken a decision "inappropriate". But for the poor, the unfortunate and the persecuted of the world, knowing that, finally, the law begins to claim its validity beyond the borders of the screen and the vaunted respect for "national sovereignty" is really a signal again. A sign of hope.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Invitation Wording For 12 Years Old

E dopo Walter?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Baby Tattoo Footprints

Thirty years after the "Killing Fields"

In quel dimenticato angolo di mondo che è la Cambogia, è giunto, forse, il momento di fare i conti con la storia. Una storia tragica. Quella raccontata, a suo tempo, da un film bello e angosciante come "Urla del silenzio" (di Roland Joffé). In inglese il titolo del film era " The Killing Fields". Vi si narrava, appunto, la tragedia dei "campi della morte" della Cambogia di Pol Pot, nei quali perì in cattività un numero enorme (1.700.000, CALCULATED second accredited) persons.
domain The nightmare of the Khmer Rouge ended January 7, 1979, with the invasion (made, of course, not for humanitarian reasons, but providential) of Cambodia by Vietnam.
thirty years have passed. Pol Pot, meanwhile, died in 1998 without having paid for his sins. On the cambodian people for years and serious historical silence of repression, the impunity of torturers indecency and moral failure to pay compensation to victims.
complications, silences, international conveniences, so far, none of the perpetrators had been tried. Now, is brought to the bar "Duch" (Kaing Guecho Eav), head of the prison "S21", where they were tortured and died, 17,000 people. And four other suspects are "hierarchical" Ieng Sary, Ieng Tirith, Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea.
not much, but symbolically it is the presence of an important step.
With three decades of delay, a process of reconciliation and truth-operation "with the victims" (similar to that implemented in South Africa 's former apartheid) are now put on the agenda .

Sunday, January 18, 2009

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A Copernican revolution for peace

E 'truce. After the devastating bombing in the Gaza Strip, Israel declared an end to hostilities. Unilaterally. Hamas said that, until the IDF troops will not go away, the "resistance" continues. Then, he proclaimed a "his" truce of seven days.
Peace is (still) far away.
While gruesome images came from the Palestinian territories, returning to the mind, in a very particular sense, the "thinking" of Pascal: "There are reasons of the heart that reason does not know." The arguments leading to quibble about more or less "proportionate" military operations. The "heart" (which is different from "feeling", that insight the mystery of life) rebels in front of the suffering of the poor.
E 'for a movement of consciousness that an Israeli reservist has refused to go to Gaza, protesting the bombing of a territory overpopulated. Of course we must be sensitive to the suffering of all innocent. Even those Israelis who are living the nightmare of Qassam rockets. We are "poor people", also said the families of two Palestinian children killed "by mistake" from a roll of Hamas.
There is a challenging walk to do. Israel should acknowledge that there is no military solution to a problem (that of the coexistence of "opposite reasons") that can be terminated only for "political path". The Gazans will have to rethink on that trust, in desperation, the extremists of Hamas who want to transform a political-territorial conflict in a religious-ideological clash.
There is, in general, a "Copernican revolution" to be made. In a debate infuriating, is the measure used to assess whether, and how it was pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian. And 'the conditioned reflex of the dialectic of friend-enemy. To which the logic of confrontation should be replaced with the reasons of the 'other' and the courage to dare to peace. "

(Article on "The New Courier di Firenze" del 19/01/09).