Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Exploitation Movie

San Biagio

San Biagio

On February 3, marks the Feast of San Biagio Bishop and Martyr, who lived in Sebesta, Armenia, between the third and fourth centuries.
The history and legend
groped Needless to unravel the historical data from the legend of St. Blaise: probably his martyrdom took place in the year 316 and has been among the last victims of persecution, which Licinius, in an attempt to overwhelm Constantine continued in the East, even after the edict of 313 that had ended, to take his side to the Gentiles.

San Biagio in the cave
When the Roman Emperor unleashed Persecution of Christians in Armenia, many of the faithful, the Bishop Biagio advised to flee and hide, so the Holy retired on the slopes of a high mountain wilderness, and lived as a hermit in a cave eating and the little that was sleeping in a bed of grass and dry leaves.
Now it happened that wild animals began to go to that cave and stop around Biagio: deer, wild asses, but also wild animals and snakes that remained in peace and quiet did not leave until the Saint had given their blessing .
Over time more and more hunters were forced to return empty handed from the forest, not seen even an animal, because all animals Biagio had agreed to the cave: the birds brought him to eat and he, who was a doctor, cured the sick and injured animals.
Someone finally found the crowd of animals around the hermit's cave and went and told the emperor that he became furious and sent one of his legions to take the bishop. Dispersed animals entered the cave, the soldiers arrested Biagio and led him away to the tyrant who condemned him to death.

The child with herringbone
Biagio While being led to the city to appear in front of the emperor were the most miracles of the steps he made. Quickly the word spread in quella terra che passava il Vescovo prigioniero e molti accorrevano a salutarlo, altri per essere guariti, altri consolati. Per tutti il Santo aveva una parola, un sorriso, una carezza e non pochi si trovarono sanati senza aver chiesto nulla, solo perché qualcuno aveva letto nel loro cuore.
Accorse anche una donna piangente, tenendo tra le braccia il figlio morente chiedendo che Biagio lo guarisse: mentre mangiava una lisca di pesce gli si era confitta nella gola e nulla era valso a toglierla e il ragazzo era alla fine. Il vescovo pose le mani sopra il corpo esanime rapidamente la vita ritornò e tossendo il ragazzo sputò la spina e fu sanato. Disse allora Biagio che tutti quelli che l’avessero invocato nelle tribolazioni della malattia would have had his help.

San Biagio, the widow and the wolf
A poor widow had brought a pig with which he hoped to overcome hunger, but a wolf took him holding it in the woods. The woman then rushed to the street where he spent imprisoned and Biagio, gettandoglisi feet, said
How am I, poor, to feed my children, now that I lost everything I had? The Holy
said unto her, Woman
, fear not, you you'll get your pig.
Soon the wolf came back to the woman, gentle and your pet. Imprisoned and abused
Biagio was brought to the presence of the emperor, but leaned to notices abjure to his God and honor the pagan gods, for which he was subjected to punishments and torture. He was ordered to be torn with iron combs and so lifeless was returned to prison.
The woman who through grace had regained his pig, when he learned that Blaise was imprisoned, killed the animal and ran to the prison, bringing his head and feet, with a candle made of tallow. The Holy accepting the gift said:
offered each year in a church built in my name bread and a candle and you will be well and healthy. The process continued and
Biagio resisted fearless in his faith, for which he was condemned to be drowned in a pond. But he was walking on the water, he returned to the shore where he was martyred by decapitation. In Milan and Insubria area, it is said that keeping a bit 'to open by Christmas cake and eaten on the day of the Christian calendar which is celebrated on the saint, may serve to preserve the ailments of the throat.

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