Monday, February 7, 2011

How Do You Know Your Stomach Is Bleeding

Reproduction of the Church of S. Stucchi Cataldo (EN)

This work is a breeding experiment on board 15X25cm of a filler present in the Church of San Cataldo in Enna.

The acquisition of the work was effettuata tramite Laser Scanner dell'Università Kore di Enna, corso di Laboratorio Resturo, ad opera di Claudio Di Forti (studente presso la stessa Università Facoltà di Architettura).

La nuvola di punti generata dallo scanner è poi stata da me elaborata con Meshlab applicando un filtro "Laplacian Smooth" al fine di eliminare un po' di rumore presente nella ripresa. Ho quindi effettuato elaborazione CAM per la generazione dei percorsi utensile e realizzato successivamente il modello utilizzando il mio pantografo CNC .

Il legno scelto non è sicuramente il migliore per questo tipo di lavoro. Ad ogni modo volevamo principalmente verificare la bontà dell'acquisizione prima di impegnarci nella construction of a larger model perhaps using more expensive wood.
The finish has been carried out using small amounts of cherry color stain and finally a coat of natural wax of bees.

From the pictures below you can perceive as the wooden model is able to represent the defects in the real model (to be restored).

Key data processing on CNC

  • Roughing End mill cutter with 2 mm, 3 steps
  • with semi cutter Ball nose da 2mm e passo a bassa risoluzione
  • Finitura con fresa Ball nose da 1mm e passo ad alta risoluzione.
  • Incisione targhetta con bulino 45°

Di seguito viene pubblicato l'articolo comparso sul giornale universitario.

Look beyond the clouds ........

The machine of dreams exist ... and I have the proof! It's called CNC, a term which stands for Computer Numerical Control . Maybe you will think of something complicated, but in reality is much simpler than what you might believe. It 'just a device that can make virtual ... REAL. To help you better understand this simple concept, I would share my experience in the course of the Restoration Laboratory, directed by professor in the academic 09_10 Antonella Versaci, where, as I said in my previous article, we learned and the potential benefits of laser scanning technology. My question is was: how can we look beyond the clouds? A point cloud is required to detect? Of course not! Thanks to the CNC in fact I realized that you can create a solid model and material of the virtual scan. On a purely experimental, I have applied these ideas to my sculptural work of the Church of San Cataldo in Enna. The machine performs simple operations commanding a cutter moving spatial coordinates of the axes X, Y and Z, obtained by laser scanning. What is the result? A very faithful reproduction of the work in the church Enna (with a margin of error of 0.02 mm). We summarize the method of work: the clouds of points have been processed through software specifici, quali il FARO SCENE e il MESH LAB. Il primo ha permesso di registrare le scansioni e creare dalle nuvole un modello mesh , il secondo ad aumentare la qualità dell’immagine vettoriale, eliminare i “rumori” creati dalle zone d’ombra (porzioni di manufatto non rilevate dal laser) e uniformare la superficie delle mesh eliminando le maglie sovrabbondanti. Il modello ottenuto è stato esportato in un software CAM che ha trasformato le coordinate cartesiane dei vertici delle superfici in righe di comando per il software di gestione della CNC. La Macchina, interamente Home_made, è stata in grado di scolpire ed asportare materiale da una lastra di supporto di abete bianco. Il procedimento di fresatura è avvenuto in three steps, carrying the head rotating on three parallel planes: the roughing (with a 6mm cutter) that removed from the surface of the parts of coarser material, the phase of semi-rough (with cutter 2mm) that has defined the shape of the object, and finally the finishing phase (with a drill 1 mm) to define the details of the three-dimensional model. Given the high level of detail required, the entire process took many hours of work (about 12), a period during which, the CAM software has produced about half a million lines of command movements transmitted to the CNC. This was for me to go beyond the cloud of points! My testing of all experimental and the result of curiosity and daring, lets think about the potential that such use may be in the field of architectural restoration. Having provided a realistic and faithful reproduction of the building, certainly can afford a new way of designing and choosing the most suitable techniques for restoration. What is being born a new phase of the restoration project? I hope so! I think in the coming years will be placed between the paper drawing and part construction, a new element that will ensure more safety and suitability of the project: the simulation of reality. Michelangelo Buonarroti who knows what he would do if he had access to a CNC machine?

Claudio Di Forti.

(Thanks Massimo Miraglia for the essential contribution and the grant of the pantograph C NC)


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