Friday, February 4, 2011

Pir Sensor Circuit Simple

Parecchio brutti, parecchio buoni... il mondo prima dei dolci di Carnevale

Is there something I could never understand the desserts at the end of their preparations are fried. Let me explain - to me - a fried cake is almost always a good way to ruin. Not that it is aware of wrong for sure, not that I miss the humility to accept the article of faith, it may be simply that I have tuned from the start, the channel of fried sweet!
yet linked to those I have many sweet memories ... some pancakes that an old man pulled out of a cauldron of hell Dante, full of dark oil, in an alley in a Moroccan city, centuries ago, certain so-called "grain" that clung to fry my aunt to Carnival (but if you came to mind for Lent, made them the same), hard as stone and fly on time and full oil after half an hour, or some winter morning in Tirrenia, when in a bar near my cappuccino bit into a monk if they are empty inside and the bartender said, shocked: "... if I wanted a breath of ' air, I went Ardenza ", clearly betraying its origins Livorno, is the name for humor. Then the fried rice cake, loved by my father, who did it for San Jose and met at one time the party of carpenters and fathers, his birthday and the arrival Spring. Then the memory annoying sticky sugar on your hands and even, finally, a moldy donut hidden in the pocket of a coat, not to see that I did not like and then forgotten and rediscovered there by my mother.
Yesterday, however, to the delight of superfine contradict themselves, I was getting ready to make mini donuts recipe that I found a convincing, if not that, rummaging in the pantry have emerged forgotten amaretti and remaining coconut flour, more than the usual clear that aging in the fridge ...
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Like most good the bad
150 g amaretti (not soft ones)
100 g sugar 50 g coconut flour 2
clear mounted
70 grams of toasted almonds and chopped
1 tablespoon toasted pine nuts
30 grams of raisins soaked in brandy
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Crumble the macaroons well and put them in a bowl. Add chopped almonds and pine nuts, coconut, sugar and raisins and squeeze, for the latter the clear mounted. Mix well. The compound should have a consistency not too soft: say rather sticky and spreadable!
Mettete della carta da forno sulla placca e regolate il temostato a 130°. Stendete tutto l'impasto sulla carta ad uno spessore di circa mezzo centimetro, dandogli la forma di un rettangolo.
Io ho poi infornato con l'opzione "ventilato", ma credo che non dovrebbe cambiare molto col forno "statico" forse, potete alzare in questo caso di circa 10° la temperatura o aumentare di qualche minuto la permanenza in forno.
Calcolate un tempo complessivo di 40/45 minuti e dopo i primi 25, estraete dal forno la placca. Con un coltello grande e ben affilato, incidete la pasta dei biscotti per lungo e per largo, senza tagliare completamente, formando tanti quadrati. Questa operazione, vi consentirà di non frantumarli dopo cotti, quando sarà più difficile tagliarli. Infornate di nuovo e finite di cuocere.
Non apettate che siano completamente secchi: devono rimanere leggermente morbidi, toglieteli dal forno e separateli da freddi.
Si conservano qualche giorno in scatole chiuse ermeticamente, nella rara circostanza di un avanzo.


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