Day della Candelora:
Il 2 febbraio, la Chiesa celebra la Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio.
E’ un appuntamento che si rinnova ogni anno per portare avanti un'antica tradizione che affonda le proprie radici nei tempi passati.
Questa cerimonia è chiamata anche Festa della Purificazione di Maria, in quanto, secondo la cultura ebraica, ogni madre che dava alla luce un figlio maschio era considerata impura per un periodo di 40 giorni.
Infatti, 40 giorni dopo il Natale, Gesù fu condotto da Maria al Tempio di Gerusalemme per adempiere la legge mosaica, offrire il suo primogenito a Dio e compiere il rito legale della purificazione.
Popolarmente è chiamata Festa della Candelora, because this day is the ritual of blessing the candles.
Popolarmente è chiamata Festa della Candelora, because this day is the ritual of blessing the candles.
in Rome as early as the seventh century until ca. had acquired a great importance, considering that a long procession started from Sant'Adriano the Forum and through the Hill of Aquilino came to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Today this party has a little 'lost those popular representations of the past, but remains a major religious event. So much so, that not only in Rome but also in many Italian cities, there is the tradition of blessing the candles brought in procession. These are carefully preserved by the faithful in their homes and lit in case of need for a divine purification.
The Presentation of the Lord concludes the ceremonies and we walked towards the Christmas Lent and Easter.
The Candlemas, for its location at the beginning of February, and then smack in the middle of winter, was the subject of popular sayings and proverbs of meteorological, some state:
"For Candlemas winter semo boring, but if there is sun or another meserello pale sun";
"Candlemas winter semo boring, but if it is raining or windy winter semo inside."
Another story says that on the day of Candlemas, the bear comes out of the hole to see the weather: if it's cloudy, with three jumps announces over the winter, if it is peaceful, part of the hole providing other forty days of cold .
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