Saturday, February 12, 2011

Healing Time For Lumbar Radiculopathy


San Valentino

Come da tradizione , il 14 febbraio di ogni anno, not only in Italy but in all Anglo-Saxon countries, where the cult of the saint and of 'Love it was claimed, is the traditional day on which millions of lovers express their love, exchanging cards with affectionate phrases, chocolates, flowers and whatever.
This feast, ancient origins, was established after the death of Valentino , in 496, when Pope Gelasius I decided to replace the pagan festival, linked to the fields of purification and fertility rites, with an inspired message of 'love of popular opera Valentine .
Valentine was a Christian bishop and martyr, is revered in Chiesa Cattolica ed è considerato il Santo Patrono di Terni sua città d’origine.
Dedicò la sua vita alla predicazione del Vangelo ed alla conversione dei pagani, mentre nell’Impero non cessavano le terribili percussioni contro i cristiani. Egli compì diversi miracoli, che fecero conoscere il suo nome ben al di là della sua città, infatti, la Sua notorietà arrivò fino a Roma.
Si narra che nell’anno 270 d.C. il Vescovo Valentino si trovava a Roma a predicare il Vangelo, fu arrestato e condotto al cospetto dell’Imperatore Claudio II il Gotico, che lo invitò a rinnegare la sua fede cristiana e ad adorare gli dei pagani. Egli non solo rifiutò con determinazione, but tried to convert the Emperor himself, who took the strength of his faith, pardoned him and entrusted to a noble Roman family.
The daughter had lost sight of the noble but Valentino made a new miracle, with its pious entreaties and prayers, gave back the light. This extraordinary miracle, encouraged the family to convert to the Christian faith.
They continued the persecution of the Christians and Valentino was arrested for the second time under the rule of Emperor Aurelian, who succeeded the Gothic Claudius II, Roman soldiers carried him out of town for fear of a popular uprising in his own defense and scourged along the Via Flaminia.
died beheaded in the year 273 AD at the hands of a Roman soldier.
He suffered martyrdom for having united in marriage to a young Christian and a Roman legionary pay, in violation of the rules at that time that prevented the union a marriage of people with different religions.
His remains were buried in the hills of Terni, where the Basilica stands today and where they are stored. E ', considered the patron saint of lovers, as it is written on a statue in his city " Valentine patron saint of love."


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