Saturday, January 1, 2011

Electric Toothbrushbeatiful Agony

Zuppa di cavolfiore e pere caramellate - penitenza (piccola) di Capodanno

survived all kinds of food and culinary experiment, from the classic regional and national culinary archeology, by an honest pasta with clams for crostini acrobatic of dinner, we finally arrived at the deserted beach of the refrigerator on the evening of the first day of the year. Few remains including cauliflower and half the vague memory of reading a recipe in a new book on Turkish cuisine, and just ignored a pear in the basket of fruit between mandarins, dates and figs.

The result is a soup diet is not too (but then you have to reset by degrees to a normal system) but good ... some might think to try omitting the caramelized pear, let say that would be a mistake: it is absolutely essential to the overall balance of the whole and emphasizes the taste of cauliflower.

Ingredients for 4:

1 cauliflower (florets only)

1 small white onion (or half)

1 bay leaf 250 ml cream 300 ml milk

freshly ground black pepper salt


type abbot or a pear williams mature

20 g sugar 20 g butter

Wash and cut the cauliflower florets and boil them in water or steam for about 10 minutes, drain and keep aside. Stew the onion cut into thin slices in a little oil with the bay leaf, without letting it brown. Add the cauliflower florets, salt and pepper and add the cream and milk. Bring to a boil and let cuocere per una ventina di minuti, fino a che il cavolfiore sarà diventato tenero. Intanto in una piccola padella col fondo antiaderente, mettete la pera sbucciata e tagliata a cubetti, aggiungete il burro e lo zucchero e caramellate lentamente fino a che la pera sarà diventata di un bel colore dorato scuro.

Controllate la cottura del cavolfiore e quando sarà diventato tenero, togliete la foglia d'alloro e passate la zuppa al frullatore a immersione, regolate di sale, versate nelle ciotole e con un cucchiaio mettete al centro un po' di pera caramellata. Servite immediatamente.


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