Lago Delio (VA)
Lake Delio - the water becomes energy:
Who wants to discover the fascinating scenic spots in the car, on foot or by bike, you should know that Macclesfield (VA) is part of one of most interesting itineraries to follow, and starting from Luino to the north, passing through this beautiful village you arrive at Lake Delio . Alpine body of water located at the foot of Mount Borgna (m 1158), although it is still fascinating joined the hydroelectric system of central Roncovalgrande.
The unit is powered by the waters of this lake , located about 945 m above sea level, che vengono incanalate grazie a una galleria di derivazione del diametro di 6,2 m, nelle due condotte forzate sotterranee.
Le condotte alimentano gli otto gruppi di produzione, nei quali il movimento della turbina mette in funzione l’alternatore che produce energia elettrica.
Lago Delio - Varese
L’ energia così prodotta viene convogliata ai quattro trasformatori e trasportata, tramite linee, alla stazione di Musignano per essere immessa in rete.
L’impianto è progettato anche per accumulate in the lake Delio, by pumping at night and on holidays, the water taken from Lake Maggiore , and then use them in generation of higher demand during the day, producing energy fine. The
Delio lake has the maximum amount of water on Monday morning and the minimum on Friday evening.
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