La redazione de “Le Storie – diario italiano” , programma televisivo di servizio pubblico in onda dal lunedì al venerdì su Raitre, ha istituito l’ordine dell’Unità of Italy. Anyone who is part of the Order, the Italian-born od'elezione, respecting the equality of all before the law, and feel right with measured pride shared feelings with language and literature, historical legacy, the immense contribution to civilization human arts, and why not the kitchen sparingly inventive genius, that this country has been able esprimere.Chiunque can be awarded the Order himself, or others that these feelings are involved. Membership is indicated by a tricolor ribbon applied on the left chest.
I have always criticized nationalism and nationalism as a form of pride and arrogance stupid rhetoric. And I grew up in the belief that not to feel chained to the tower, to a race or a culture that takes place even requiring spaghetti in a restaurant in a village in Scotland were fundamental prerequisites for acquiring knowledge and curiosity and learn to have respect for what that was different from me. But today, while taking to maintain those principles, but seeing how this country is criticized by many and the reasons and the history of its establishment, endangered, I decided to Busteasorpresa awarded the Order of the Unification of Italy, of which marks the sesquicentennial anniversary in 2011, as a blog that aspires to resemble even slightly, to everything that this country has a great ... "says the memorandum of association as" fair and measured with pride. "
Written by Gloria and shared with Evelyn's Belgian and Italian ancestry of choice
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